• Patient Centered We take a patient-first approach to your care. From every encounter with our team you will experience a compassionate,          confidential, respectful and non-judgmental environment. We strive to earn your trust. We understand that weight loss is hard and takes                ongoing commitment on your part to manage it successfully. We intend to partner with you for that journey, so you feel fully supported.                Your success is our success.
  • Multidisciplinary Team Approach - Discover Health is the culmination of over 20 years of work by its founder Dr. Jeremy McConnell a leading          national expert in the field of Obesity Medicine. He is passionately committed to delivering evidence-based solutions to individuals with the            chronic disease of obesity and built a team to bring that commitment to reality. Dr. McConnell believe in a team approach that utilizes trained        and compassionate health coaches to partner with you on your journey. Your coach will be with you every step of the way to challenge and            support you.
  • Individualized - Your experience with weight is as unique as your fingerprints. We utilize state of the art testing as well as a phenotypic                  approach to managing your care that allows us to tailor your weight loss plan to your individual needs. Stop fighting your biology and work            with it.
  • Proven Tools - We have a comprehensive program that addresses nutrition, exercise and activity, sleep, stress management, and behavior              change. Our toolkit includes medical assessment, coordination with your other care providers, regular face-to-face checkups, educational              handouts and resources, telephonic and electronic check-ins for support and guidance from your coach, tracking apps, and medications.
  • Life-Long Health - Your goal is not just weight loss, it is to improve your health long-term. Reduced risk for cardiovascular disease, diabetes          and cancers, improved energy and vitality, the ability to enjoy your retirement: we want to see you reach these goals. We partner with you for        the long haul so that once you have lost weight you can keep it off.
  • FDA Approved Medications - Obesity is a chronic disease. We take it seriously. We may prescribe medications proven to help you lose weight        efficiently and safely. Not every patient will choose to take advantage of prescription medication.
        We specialize in choosing the right medication to meet your individual needs. It might not be the same medication your neighbor or coworker            used. We will spend some time getting to know your story and experience as well as reviewing your medical history and current medications              prior to choosing an appropriate medication. 

        Weight loss medications fall into several different categories. 

        Medications that suppress appetite 

        Medications that control cravings 

        Medications that modulate emotional eating 

        Medications that improve satiety

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Hours of Operation

Our Regular Schedule

Discover Health


7:40 am-4:30 pm


7:40 am-4:30 pm


7:40 am-4:30 pm


7:40 am-4:30 pm


7:40 am-12:00 pm



